
Professional Liability Insurance

What is professional liability insurance?

Professional liability insurance protects your business assets from claims that may result from advice, expertise or professional services you provide. If your business engages in these activities, you could be at risk for being sued by a customer, client or other party who claims he or she lost money or was harmed in some way due to a negligent act, error or omission.

Who generally purchases professional liability insurance?

Any individual in a profession that provides advice, expertise, recommendations or a professional service to customers, clients or another party would benefit from professional liability insurance.

Why buy professional liability insurance?

Professionals are expected to have extensive knowledge or training in their area of expertise. Additionally, they are expected to perform the services for which they were hired, according to the standards of conduct in their profession. If they fail to use the degree of skill expected, they can be held legally responsible for any harm or financial loss that they cause to another person or business.

What does professional liability insurance cover?

Professional liability insurance protects you in cases of faulty service (errors) or failure to provide a service altogether (omission). This type of insurance coverage pays the cost of your defense and any damages awarded (up to policy limits). Insurance companies have developed many specialized policy forms that respond to the individual risks of particular professions and services.

How is liability coverage categorized?

Professional liability insurance coverage is specialty coverage and is generally not included under homeowners insurance, in-home business policies or business owners policies.

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Ryan Smith is very informative and professional. Always able to talk and help with my needs and answer any questions that I have. Polite and able to expedite any requests or emergencies.
